So here’s a Federal holiday without the occasion of a coupon code for discounted mattresses or light utility trucks. The day is a welcome respite and an appropriate occasion in this country, at this time, to reflect on one man and his love of country.

Dr. King Jr spoke from mountaintops and moved them along with the human experience towards equality, justice, and compassionate intellect, all while peacefully facing down absurd ignorance and frightening injustice. It would be more than odd to commercialize the day with special sales on merchandise or even champagne.

This day holds the opportunity to spend money and/or time making the world a little less broken by helping an organization attuned to compassion, equality, and community.

Though the recent weeks show all too well we’ve got lots of healing to do in this country, it’s pretty cool to note that the past 4 years are sandwiched between the first African-American President and the first woman Vice-President of color. In the spirit of these accomplishments, we’ll be of service to our community and try and make things a little better.