Every holiday contains a surface celebration and a deeper, textured meaning.

We associate Thanksgiving in America with turkey, stuffing, ‘fixings’, pilgrims, Native Americans, the bounty, harvest, and Fall.
Combined with the gathering of special people and family, it’s all worth raising a glass of certified organic Premier Cru Brut Champagne!
However, beneath the cranberries and bubbles, there is the real meaning of Thanksgiving: Gratitude.

I value Gratitude for its immense power to slow time down to the series of moments, that linger most when they are shared with others.

This Thanksgiving and the season it kicks offs, there is so much for which to be thankful – I name my top 2.

1. I’m thankful for my health and the health of my family, parents, and blended family. Full stop. To have children growing and thriving against challenges and obstacles that will prepare them for what life will throw at them – its priceless. I am especially greived at the attacks against Israel that started the war with Hamas. My family and friends there all know someone touched by the massacre. We are taught that the living our best lives for those who have lost theirs, blocks the larger impact terrorists wish to make. I am grateful for the return of hostages and will celebrate this holiday season in remembrance of those who are now blessed memories to their families.

2. I’m thankful for a purpose-driven Journey. My transition from Trade Ideas benefits Avid Vines, so does a successful end of my amazing year serving as President of the Atlanta Chapter of Enterpreneurs Organization. What a ride and a privilege to grow with my assembled Board Members in a year under the theme of ‘A Hero’s Journey’. No journey that produces growth comes without challenges and obstacles. With Trade Ideas now a small part of a larger portfolio, I am free to build a redeeming culture with a larger mission of helping people celebrate their shared moment and thrive in the next. As a business partner explained so eloquently to me, no great achievement and positive result in life, is achieved without first passing through transformative change and struggle. This has been a year of great change and forced me to draw upon my family, cherished friends, mentors, advisors, community of fellow entrpreneurs, and network for which I am deeply grateful. 

I think I just created my own little dose of oxytocin, writing these thoughts of gratitude. I encourage you to try it as well.
Merci Thanksgiving.

Here’s a list of the wines and champagnes from gifted producers that we were priviledged to enjoy with our Thanksgiving meal for 14.