Every wine in the Avid Vines portfolio has the same characteristics.  They are organic, they are sustainable, and they leave you with such a clean experience.

What does organic mean?  It’s all about how the farmer treats the land, the air, and the water.

Organic farming means no pesticides are sprayed on the vines during their growth and there are no chemicals in the soil from which the vines grow.  Plus, there is no heavy machinery in the vineyards during the harvest which would throw out a lot of exhaust.  All of that would pollute the soil.  The vines would then soak it up, and it would sit in the grapes. Once the wine-making process begins, those pollutants become concentrated.  Who wants that?

Sustainability goes hand-in-hand with organic farming.  Together, they maintain a virtuous cycle.  We want to protect the land so it continues to provide the incredible harvest we desire.  Our owner-growers compost material to nurture the soil, they grow herbs and vegetables in between the rows in the vineyard.  Don’t expect a beautifully manicured golf course experience.

It’s more like a jungle where weeds and other plantings compete with the vines for their nutrients and that struggle makes for a better end result.  You may also see other agriculture like sheep and goats in the vineyard.  All together, this biodiversity enhances the flavor of the grapes and ultimately these very special bubbles because it adds more minerals and complexity.  It’s like having a better canvas from which to paint something.

You don’t just have to take our word for it.  All of this work is documented, reviewed, and audited, earning our farmers hard-won certification including:

  • Haute Valeur Environmental: A designation for agricultural products in France that demonstrates excellence in promoting biodiversity in the vineyard and climate stewardship across the air, water, and soil.

  • Viticulture Durable: The region of Champagne designates its own label based on a 160-point audit that signals the highest standards in sustainable farming exclusively in that area.

  • Champagne Vigneron Independant: This third label denotes owner-growers identified in France with the letters RM for récoltant-manipulant.  It is reserved for the few who grow grapes on their own land and use it to produce their own wine.


All of the efforts that create an organic, sustainable champagne ensure you enjoy it twice.  Once when you taste it and then the next day when you wake up with No Regrets.

Our Selections are an O.C.E.A.N.™ Apart from the industrially farmed, mass-marketed brands you know, and ORGANIC is just the beginning.